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Trial Version

You may trial Sprocket 365 for free for 14 days for up to 1000 users. During the trial period, the software works exactly the same as the full, licensed version and you also get full technical support from us.

Once the trial is over, any web parts or features within your site will display a license message watermark and you receive multiple notifications via email. When you purchase a subscription, there is no need to reconfigure the software – all your settings are stored and ready for use.

How is the software licensed and how are the licenses counted?

Sprocket automatically assigns a license to your pool of licenses purchased based on when a unique user loads a Sprocket web part or feature. Every user in your Microsoft 365 tenant is assigned a unique user id (GUID), when a user loads a Sprocket feature or web part, that users GUID is assigned to one of your purchased licenses. At any stage you may reset your license pool back to zero. Note, guest accounts do not need to be licensed.

How to manage and reassign licenses?

Sprocket automatically assigns a license to your pool of licenses purchased based on when a unique user loads a Sprocket web part or feature. See How is the software licensed and how are the licenses counted.

Once a license is allocation to a user, it will not be automatically reassigned to another one even if that user becomes inactive or an admin deletes the user from your Microsoft 365 tenant. However, if some licenses were assigned to the wrong users, you can use the reset license count option to unassign all licenses and reassign them to other users.

You will be notified automatically if you are approaching your allocation or reach your allocated license count.

How to purchase Sprocket

Follow the steps below to purchase Sprocket licences.

Step 1:

Navigate to, and create a new account. Once you have your new account, a the Sprocket Dashboard will appear. Follow the “Installing Sprocket” steps to start your free trial.

If you have already completed the free trial, move on to Step 2 to purchase Sprocket licenses.

Step 2:

To purchase Sprocket Licenses, select Update Subscription”.

Step 3:

Enter information in the following fields:

Billing Information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Billing Address
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • Postcode
    • Country
  • Payment Information
    • Enter the card details for your subscription payment

Update Subscription

After entering the relevant information, please ensure that you select the “Update Subscription” button at the bottom of the page to ensure the changes take effect.

Congratulations, you have now purchased Sprocket! Note that it may take 5-10 minutes after submitting for the purchasing to take effect.

Manage your licenses

You can manage your Sprocket licenses via the Sprocket portal.

Step 1:

Navigate to, and login with your admin credentials.

Step 2:

The Dashboard will appear, giving you an overview of your Sprocket subscription. You will see that the “Licenses” gives you an overview of how many licenses you have used compared to available. The example below shows that four licenses are currently being used out of an available 20. If your Licenses Used is nearing the licenses available, you may need to either Reset Your Sprocket Licenses or purchase more.

Step 3:

To manage or purchase additional Sprocket Licenses, select “Manage Subscription”.

Step 4:

This screen shows you the details of your tenant’s subscription to Sprocket.

In the example below, there are currently 38 licenses available. Changing this number to 10 decreases the licenses available to 10 and decreases the subscription fee. After making any changes, please ensure that you select the “Update Subscription” button at the bottom of the page to ensure the changes take effect.

Toggling the “Payment Frequency” button will switch between an Annual or Monthly payment.


Note: Paying annually will entitle you to receive a 10% discount.

After making any changes, please ensure that you select the “Update Subscription” button at the bottom of the page to ensure the changes take effect.

In the “Manage Subscription” section, you can also update your billing information such as:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Payment Information

After making any changes, please ensure that you select the “Update Subscription” button at the bottom of the page to ensure the changes take effect.

How much does Sprocket cost?

Sprocket 365 subscription pricing depends on the number of user licenses and the chosen payment frequency (monthly or annually). See our pricing page for further details.

What are my payment options?

You can choose between two payment frequencies: Monthly or Annually. Monthly payments are made on a monthly basis, while annual payments are made once a year. Note that opting for annual payment entitles you to a 10% discount.

How do I calculate how many users I need?

This is typically how many employees you have in your business. Each of these users would be listed in your Microsoft 365 Admin Centre in the users section.

Anyone who needs access to a Sprocket web part or feature will require a Sprocket license.

Sprocket licenses are consumed by each unique user who loads a Sprocket web part or feature.

If Sprocket is only needed in one of your SharePoint sites which is only access by a subset of users then you only need to purchase licenses for that subset of users.

How are guest accounts considered?

Guest accounts behave the same way that Microsoft handles guests. Guest accounts are not considered a 'user' and therefore are not required to be licensed.

Will my license renew automatically?

Yes, your subscription will renew automatically. You can cancel your subscription at anytime.

What happens to my site if I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at anytime. Any web parts or features of Sprocket will stop working and display a subscription error message. You can then remove the web parts or features from your pages.

Your existing sites and pages with all its content will remain functional.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Follow the steps below to cancel your Sprocket subscription.

Step 1:

Navigate to, and login with your admin credentials.

Step 2:

The Dashboard will appear, giving you an overview of your Sprocket subscription. You will see that the “Licenses” gives you an overview of how many licenses you have used compared to available. The example below shows that four licenses are currently being used out of an available 20. If your Licenses Used is nearing the licenses available, you may need to either Reset Your Sprocket Licenses or purchase more.
