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Upgrading Sprocket via Mgmt Portal

This article describes the process of upgrading your Sprocket version to the latest version.

Upgrading to the lastest version of Sprocket is as simple as replacing the existing package file in your app catalog. Use the steps below to upgrade.


Upgrading from Sprocket v6.x to v6.2+? Be sure to follow this article first.

Upgrading from Sprocket v5.x to v6.x? Be sure to follow this article first.

Upgrading from Sprocket v4.x to v5.x? Be sure to follow this article first.


Steps on this article do not apply to the Sprocket installations deployed via the 'Installing Sprocket to Individual Site Collections' guidance. If you do not see an existing deployment of Sprocket in the Global App Catalog, please contact support for guidance on the update process in your enterprise.

Upgrade Steps

Verifying your Sprocket Version

  1. At the lower-left corner, click the Sprocket icon.

    App Catalog

    The Configuration pop-up is displayed.

  2. Click the “About” tab. Your Sprocket subscription details are displayed.

    App Catalog

  3. On the About tab, click “Manage Subscription”.

    You are directed to the Microsoft login page. Upon successful log in, the Dashboard page is displayed.

    The Dashboard page displays the details of your tenant's subscription to Sprocket.


    The Installation section on the Dashboard page displays the latest and your installed versions of Sprocket. You need to upgrade your Sprocket installation only if the latest version is newer than your installed version.

Obtaining the Installation File

  1. Log into your Sprocket Dashboard using your work Microsoft credentials.

  2. Click the Sprocket 365 link to download the cab file.

Sprocket Dashboard

  1. Log in to your SharePoint admin center using Microsoft credentials.

    Your SharePoint Admin Center Home page is displayed.

  2. Click the Navigation Menu on the left and from options, select More features.

    App Catalog

  3. On the More features page, under Apps section, click Open:

    App Catalog

    The Manage apps page is displayed. This page is your document library that displays the apps available in your tenants. From here, you can upload, enable, and manage your apps.

  4. On the Manage apps page, click Upload and locate the previously-downloaded file. Select the file from the downloaded location and click Open.

    A pop-up displaying A file with the same name already exists is displayed.

  5. Click Replace.

    The Sprocket 365 app is uploaded and the Enable app pop-up is displayed.

  6. On the pop-up, click Enable App to enable the Sprocket 365 app that you are uploading:

    App Catalog

    The Approve Access pop-up is displayed.

  7. On the pop-up, click Enable App to enable the Sprocket 365 app that you are uploading:

    App Catalog

    The Approve Access pop-up is displayed.

  8. On the pop-up regarding API approval, you can click I'll do it later button as you will have already approved all the required APIs when you originally installed Sprocket.

Congratulations! you are now upgraded to the latest version of Sprocket.


After the installation, it may take up to 10 minutes to see the updates on your SharePoint site, due to SharePoint's caching techniques.