Release Notes
Refer to the upgrading Sprocket article for steps required to install the latest version of Sprocket.
6.5.0 (Beta)
Enhancements- Calendar & Events: Enhancement to support Group Calendars
- Documents: Include out of box experience for rating
- Event: Enhancement to support Recurrence Event Exceptions (disconnected recurrence event items)
- Events: Enhancement to improve recurrence pattern calculation
- Knowledge Hub: Converters - Enhancement to add option to not publish page
- Knowledge Hub: Converters - Multiple Document Support
- My Apps: Enhancement to add Reset button for individual users to revert their apps to default setting
- News Hub: Enhancement to allow selection of sub-site
- News Hub: Hide Category dropdown if filter by category is off
- People Hub: Major overhaul of performance and user experience.
- People Hub: Enhancement for full support for 5000+ organisation
- People Hub: Ability to hide "Email All" button
- People Hub: Cleaned up Filter Pane experience
- People Hub: Microsoft Presence enhancement to include Out of Office status
- People Hub: People Card
- Read List: Enhancement to add Search 'filter' toggle
- Read List: Enhancement to include collapsible section headings within Table of Contents structure
- Sprocket Settings: Enhancement to clarify Site Logo vs Header Logo Terminology
- Time Zones: Enhancement to add move option
- Web Parts: Enhancement to ensure all web parts work in dark sections
- What's Up: Enhancement to add Profile Card
- What's Up: Enhancement to make Sample Data more realistic
- Calendar: Swim Lane sometimes not displaying events
- Converters: Disable comments on new page conversion
- Documents: Documents shown under incorrect heading when group by is selected
- Documents: Group By and Order By not sorting/ordering logically
- Documents: Navigate items with keyboard
- Documents: Update "others" Grouping title to be "N/A"
- Documents: General webpart display issues
- Header: Settings / Menu Style issues
- Knowledge Hub: Navigation component causes rendering issue with OOB web parts
- Knowledge Hub: Consistent use of chevron arrows
- List Components: Use ID instead of title for list querying to ensure language setting independence
- My Apps: Inconsistently displaying apps
- My Apps: Keyboard accessibility enhancement
- My Teams: No interface to reveal rest of joined teams
- People Hub: Org Chart Exported image shows empty user image
- People Hub: Sorting and org browser issues
- People Hub: The Org Browser fails to display the specified person's information when lazy loading is enabled
- People Hub: Unable to export org chart to image
- Read List: Reminder date and timezone in UTC
- Read List: Error message on clone
- Rich Text: Sprocket Web Part issues
- Search: Webpart only looks at libraries, not lists in Filter
- Settings & Read Lists: "View in documentation" link is invalid
6.4.2 (5th December 2024)
Fixes- Whats Up: Date displays incorrectly due to different timezone
- News Hub: Articles without a 'FirstPublishDate' not ordered correctly
- Header: Navigation 'edit' link not working when using minimal or compact header
6.4.1 (27th November 2024)
Enhancements- Table of Contents: - Picking up the Page Properties Headings
- My Apps: Adjusted default apps so all apps are not mandatory
- My Account - Reduce spacing of Recent Docs to match OOTB webpart
- Events: Reduce white space when in a wider section
- Knowledge Hub: Ability to add page from the left-hand wiki menu
- Converters: Copy Metadata to PDFs library
- Knowledge Hub: Read list notification to stop sending summary report to admins when read list is completed
- Hero: Add display name, first name of display name to placeholder text of banner text content
- My Apps: Add 'Sprocket 365 Help' as one of the default apps for MyApps when it gets added to the site
- People Hub: Column width stored in browser
- Knowledge Hub: Move newly created page information from URL query string to global stage management
- Converters: Store configuration in local storage
- Document Converters: Set meta on document to know last conversion date
- My Apps: Provide option to choose between OneDrive and SharePoint List for personal configuration in settings
- My Account: Add breadcrumbs for document item location
- Knowledge Hub: Ability to hide page tree
- Calendar & Events: Display 'All Day' instead of "12:00am" for all-day events
- List Webpart: Support for images
- Accordion Webpart: Keyboard accessibility
- Header: Accessibility - label the ellipsis for overflowing nav items
- Sprocket Action: Re-converting site page with "table of contents" causes page duplication
- News Hub: Improve initial news loading
- News Hub: Support multiple select column values for category
- Daily news: Improve loading speed
- Document/List: Make powerpoint/excel template file (.potx/xltx format) to honour "open in" library settings
- Web Part Filters: Taxonomy path for term
- People Hub: Column sorting doesn't do anything and initial order is non-alphabetical when using lazy loading
- People Hub: Graph API Approval link generated is invalid
- Read List Admin Centre: Load time and page performance is slow
- Documents & Lists: Better support for large lists/libraries
- Accordion: Not searchable
- Knowledge Hub Tree: Remove condition to only show "Admin Centre" in communication site
- Webpart Error - Update "Opps" to "Oops"
- WhatsUp: When cache is enabled, events are not shown
- Knowledge Hub: Remove Promoted state filter for site pages
- Knowledge Hub: Enabled value sometimes incorrect
- Converters: Bringing through page header image even if it's not in the template
- Header: In cascading sub-menu, long text overlaps with icon
- My Teams: Links do not work due to Teams changes
- WhatsUp: Error with large userbase
- Page Feedback: List Title and Permissions
- People Hub: Dark Theme
- Documents: Links not opening in Desktop App when "Open Office documents in the Client feature" is activated
- People Hub: SharePoint List Data Source is not working
- Header Navigation: Left Tree Sometimes Not Shown
- Rich Text: Contents not searchable
- Whats Up: Date displays incorrectly due to different timezone.
- Location Finder: Dark theme support for "in panel" mode
- Converters: Use file name for template option when title is null
- Calendar: Remove 'All day' prepended text on all day events
6.3.1 (2nd September 2024)
Enhancements- Knowledge Hub: Feedback on pages
- Knowledge Hub: Ability for users to 'Expand/Collapse All' tree
- Knowledge Hub: Ability to hide a tree node
- Knowledge Hub: Read list notification to stop sending summary reports to admins when a read list is completed
- Knowledge Hub: Pagination
- Search: Enhance Search Webpart to display the top 5 search results in a dropdown
- Table of Contents: Ability to display in horizontal format
- Table of Contents: Include headings within structure
- Documents: Honour folder colours
- Custom list view: DateTime field column to display time
- Calendar: Ability to specify legend position
- Search: To include “Folders” scope
- Documents: Improve auto column width calculation
- Lists & Documents: Support enterprise keywords column in taxonomy filter
- Table of Contents: Text colour does not auto-update when section background changes
- Location Finder: Fix query string disrupting location list
- Daily News Feed, Events, Calendar & News Hub: Inconsistent behaviour of displaying "+add"
- Reading List Web Part: Partial load rendering fix
- Knowledge Hub: 'Read Lists' labels consistent (not 'Reading Lists')
- My Teams: Does not update team site thumbnail logo
- Events: Sometimes displays yesterday's event
- Events & Calendar: Missing Event list permissions prevented data from displaying & overall performance issues
- Converters: Button was only shown to site owners rather than folder level permissions
6.2.2 (17th June 2024)
Fixes- Events Web Part: fixed wrong recurrence event date due to hard coded timezone value
- Calendar Web Part: fixed wrong recurrence event date due to hard coded timezone value
6.2.1 (3rd June 2024)
Upgrade steps: The package file name has changed to align with the Microsoft App Store naming convention. If your Sprocket package in your app catalog is "sprocket-365.sppkg", you will need to first delete the file and upload the new package file "". More Information
- Rename Sprocket package filename to align with App Store
- Trial Experience: Onboarding splash
- Knowledge Hub: Support for Team Sites with horizontal navigation
- Accordion: ability to filter based off a column
- Ability to amend Read List Reminder Email sent from address
- Custom List View: Ability to Input Number for Column Minimum Width Instead of Slider
- Knowledge Hub: Breadcrumb Bar Font Colour Selector
- Image Carousel: Ability to toggle on/off gradient effect
- Sprocket calendar displaying Monday - Sunday (not Sunday - Saturday)
- Management Portal: Populate names within user report export
- Remove SourceUrl property from list provisioning.
- Remove slicing that filters first 75 unique titles for title filter.
- Reading List Reminders: Specify Timezone
- Honour SharePoint style toggle to be True by default for rich editor webpart.
- Reading List Notifications: Timezone descrepency
- Documents: not catering for OR filters
- People Hub: horizontally long org chart gets cropped when exported as an image
- People Hub: cannot hide Title facet
- People Hub: show friendly error if APIs have not been approved
- Knowledge Hub: Tree node callapse's when dragging items
- SourceUrl in the settings not required
- Sprocket deployed only to one site in a hub site produces error
- Rich Editor vertical scrollbar sometimes showing
- Events Web Part: Issue with Link text
- Subscription has Expired message appears with Sprocket License Exceeded
- People Hub: Error boundary telemetry track is missing
- Duplicate page listed in Knowledge Hub tree nav but only 1 page exists
- In Built Converters adding duplicated converted content
- Rich Editor: trumbowyg-editor stylesheet overrides css for tables in KB pages
- Knowledge Hub: Add node to child page & keep tree expanded
- People Hub: Tree sort order
- Read List: web part missing required reads when more than 1000 site pages
- Read List Admin: Tree Search is very slow
- Cannot show mobile numbers in Org Chart of People Hub
- Sprocket events causing throttling in site
- When header is disabled and page edited, KB breadcrumb jumps to top of the page
- Boolean field is unhandled in content query filter.
- Sprocket Entry Button: hide if on embedded page or in preview mode
- Header: Empty header container when switch between mobile and normal view.
- People Hub: error when empty 'name' property
- News: Taxonomy filter auto complete suggestion is not working
- My apps: fixed deleting the config settings folder in OneDrive won't save the subsequent app settings + drag and drop issue
- People Hub: url query string do not support multiple values
6.1.2 (27th March 2024)
Fixes- Calendar & Events: Incorrect time for events showing after v6.1.1 update.
- Sprocket header - mega menu link hover color inconsistent between arrow and non-arrow link
- Events - "See all" tool tip references News Hub
- Additional bar displaying below Sprocket Header after exiting page edit mode
- Sprocket Header: Empty MS Navigation Bar and broken expand page button
- Reusable Content: clicking "Open List" goes to 404 error page
- Knowledge Hub: Template Pages are included in KH tree
- Location Finder Webpart: Handle invalid Google API key
- People Hub: crashing when changing json overrides
- Hide "Add" button when "all sites in hub" is enabled.
- Hero: separator icon image size is too large
6.1.1 (14th March 2024)
Enhancements- Documents: unable to Group By or Order By managed metadata column
- Events & Calendar: Add support for recurring events
- Add config option to change colour of dividers when using Megamenu
- Enhanced Error Logging to simplify remote support
- Events, News Hub, Daily News, Calendar: Consistent Configuration
- Web Parts won't load on modern pages within classic sites
- Accordion - support of rich text when using manual data source
- Accordion - refresh button to reload data from list
- Buttons - support for audience targeting
- Knowledge Hub tree doesn't work for more than 1000 pages
- Sprocket Documents WebPart does not honour SharePoint setting for document opening for some filetypes
- Knowledge Hub Document Conversion duplication
- Knowledge Hub tree: check lost child orphan ids from parent node.
- Red Dot update notification on Sprocket Settings icon fixed
- Sprocket Management Portal installed version numbers takes a long time to update
- Blurry Youtube Thumbnails
- Page Lifecycle JS fix
- Sprocket Converter - consecutive spaces in page name should be escaped to single hyphen (-)
- Internationalisation support
- Can't insert link in Read List Notification Email Template.
6.0.2 (11th January 2024)
FixesFix for Sprockets custom header. Microsoft made a change today that caused our custom header to stop loading. If you would prefer not to update to this latest version we do have an alternative work around, please contact [email protected] for more information.
6.0.1 (9th January 2024)
Fixes- Knowledge Hub tree sometimes doesn't load correctly.
6.0.0 22nd December 2023
Upgrade steps: The package files that needs to be be uploaded to your App Catalog have changed. You must delete the previous two package files and upload the new package file.
The 6.0 release of Sprocket 365 marks a significant milestone with its integration into the Microsoft App Store (App Source), making it more accessible to users. This update streamlines the installation and upgrade process by packaging Sprocket 365 as a single file, ensuring faster and more user-friendly experiences. Additionally, the release brings improvements to various aspects of the platform. The "My Apps" web part has replaced the App Launcher, enhancing clarity in its purpose. Users will enjoy a remarkable 210% boost in load times within "My Apps," along with visual enhancements and simplified configuration options for an improved user experience.
Furthermore, the Knowledge Hub now includes an "Edit Source Document" button in the policy hub converters layout and allows for blocking editing on text web parts for converted pages. The Converters feature provides better error handling messages when setting metadata fields. Other enhancements include the ability to set the Site Logo Thumbnail in Settings, expanded default levels on load in the People Hub's Traditional View, and the removal of unnecessary URL elements. Additionally, there are improvements to email notifications, department options pulled from Active Directory, and enhanced search capabilities with new document library scope options. The release also empowers users with the ability to undo changes and refines the style of alerts for a more polished appearance.
Enhancements- Sprocket is now a single package file!! Make it easier and faster to install/upgrade.
- App Launcher: web part renamed to "My Apps".
- My Apps: 210% faster load times. Overall visual enhancements. Simplified configuration options.
- Knowledge Hub: New button "Edit Source Document" in policy hub converters layout
- Knowledge Hub: Block editing on text webpart for converted pages
- Converters: Provide better error handling message when meta data was unable to be set meta data fields
- Settings: Set Site Logo Thumbnail
- People Hub: Traditional View, default levels expanded on load setting
- People Hub: Remove "?" from page URL
- Read List Reminder Emails - From address is from Tenant name, not Sprocket 365
- Whats Up: Pull Department options from AD
- Search: Add Scope for Document Libraries + Dropdown UI for scope options
- Process: Ability to undo changes.
- Alerts: tweak style to align text vertically center and round corners
- Search: clickable button to search
- Image Carousel: general user experience improvements
- All web parts settings have been simplified to remove wizard pages
- All web parts & features include a getting stated video
- Reload button in edit mode when using a SharePoint list as datasource
- Knowledge Hub: Info - Updated Modified format to be dd/mm/yyyy
- Hero: Curved value cannot be 0
- Hero: Show Title should be disabled by default
- Knowledge Hub Tree doesn't work for more than 1000 pages
- Reading List: Audience includes external users
- Documents: Document title collapsed by default
- Process: support for quotation characters
- Knowledge Hub: Breadcrumb bar sometimes shows above header menu
- Whats Up: Connecting to SharePoint list broken
- Whats Up: empty birthday field defaults to 1st Jan
5.2.2 (30th November 2023)
Fixes- Documents: Long title field is cut off by default
5.2.1 (1st November 2023)
Enhancements- Process Web Part NEW WEB PART
- Calendar: responsive design, now better support for smaller zones
- Calendar: show legend/key when using multiple lists
- Converters: Convert Document to bring across meta data values
- Converters: Allow special characters in document file name
- Documents: Extend to search to search in hyperlink type fields
- List View: Specify column widths
- News Hub: Hide particular filters
- Whats Up: Show a distinct message for hire anniversary in year zero
- Calendar: month view removal of the first week of the next month
- Multiple iterations of KHPDF and DisablePrint
- Calendar: Legend should use "Calendar Title" not "Calendar Name"
- People Hub: Search issue if lazy loading enabled
- Hero: license issue
- Header: Text spilling over in menu when on mobile
- List View & Document Webpart: '$' sign appears in 'No search result' message when list is empty.
- Calendar: Legend should use "Calendar Title" not "Calendar Name"
- Alert: provisioning alter type breaks due to API change from MS.
- Install error - sometimes required columns not provisioned
- Hero: Issue with custom colour
- Knowledge Hub PDF Download button issue with some special characters
- My Read List Webpart - Handle Null Column Values for Site Pages
- List View & Document Webpart: '$' sign appears in 'No search result' message when list is empty.
- Header: Infrequent issue with Sprocket header source reverting to site
- Header: logo navigates to root site when not connected to a Hub Site
- News Hub: Category tags truncated and wrapping
5.1.1 (28th August 2023)
Enhancements- Read List Webpart - new source type of "Query Hub Site"
- News Hub: Visual & Filter Suggestions
- People Hub: Org Browser & Org Chart - Additional shading to differentiate between report levels
- Reading Lists: Email template dynamic fields dropdown
- Reading Lists: Compliance Form Search functionality
- Alerts: colours to match SharePoint json formatting
- Alert Webpart: apply top webpart actions
- Buttons Webpart: apply top webpart actions
- Include the page promoted state in Analytics -> App Insights data
- Event Webpart: Check individual event list permission for add button
- Documents: Include number of likes column and allow like from web part
- General peformance and framework upgrades
- Documents - Scroll bar issue
- Documents - Search results are showing under Category but not independently
- Documents - consistent font size and colour as per recent documents
- Reading list: email summary different to the reading list summary in the admin center
- Reading list: Text getting cut off for pages in reading list
- Image Gallery - does not work when list item threshold is breached
- People Hub: Horizontal scroll is not availabe
- Unique permissions on Sproket Settings list
- People hub: Email column is plain label, but needs to be a link.
- My Account: new properties are not binding in older webparts.
- Read List: Can't clone read list with admins
- Documents Webpart: Support special characters in file/folder name
- Knowledge Hub - The "Delete Page" button is not visible when accessing via a directly shared link in Knowledge Hub.
- People Hub: Labels appearing above name in Org Browser
- People Hub webpart: When lazy loading is enabled, people are not listed in alphabetical order.
- People Hub webpart: presence status is not visible unless one clicks on the "Org Browser
- People Hub Webpart: CSV Export Truncates Large User Lists
- WhatsUp Webpart - graph api fails due to external escape characters in user's principle name
- People Hub Webpart - Incorrect warning message
- My Account: new user with no recent document history breaks webpart
- People Hub Webpart - handle empty filter with lazy loading
- My Teams Webpart: improve filtering performance
5.0.3 (24th July 2023)
Fixes- Document Converter bug fix
- App Launcher: fixed un-authorised issue
- People Hub: export padding
- People Hub: vacant positions fix
- People Hub: Lazy loading cache issue with filtering
- People hub: default column always come after custom column.
- Reading Lists: bug fix for cloning lists with admins
5.0.2 (30th June 2023)
Fixes- Embed: error failing to load
- People Hub: default value for LazyLoading impacting some existing web part configurations
- People Hub: filter for orphaned users fix
- Fixed spelling mistake
5.0.0 (19th June 2023)
This major update introduces exciting enhancements and fixes to improve user experience and functionality. The rebranded version now known as Sprocket 365 brings a fresh look and feel. The addition of the Search Web Part and Hero Web Part enhances content discovery and visual appeal. Navigation is made easier with the inclusion of a floating back-to-top button. Users can now clone reading lists, apply favicons in global settings, and benefit from a tree-structured Table of Contents in the Knowledge Hub.
Customization options are expanded with the ability to toggle which items are displayed in My Account. People Hub introduces features like managing orphaned users, simplified settings panel, and support for assistants in the Org Browser and Org Chart. The Knowledge Hub gains the ability to convert documents directly from the library, with added support for large document conversions. My Account now offers a feed for users' documents using MS Graph, while the Events feature includes call-out and hover-over messages. Numerous fixes address issues such as alignment, version updates, icon display, and alert bar behavior. Sprocket 365 v5 aims to deliver a more seamless and efficient user experience.
Read all about this update in our blog post, Introducing Version 5.0: Exciting New Enhancements!
Upgrade steps: The package files that needs to be be uploaded to your App Catalog have changed. You must delete the previous two package files and upload the new two package files. Read more about upgrading from v4 to v5
- Search Web Part 🆕
- Hero Web Part 🆕
- Simplified Sprocket settings panel
- Floating back to top button
- Apply favicon in global settings
- App Launcher - Guest user support & overall performance improvements
- Knowledge Hub
- Convert document directly from library
- Large document conversion support
- Table of Contents from tree structure
- Reading Lists: Ability to clone a read list
- Reading Lists: Toggle switch to hide in-active read lists
- People Hub
- 'Assistants' support
- Orphaned users supports
- Simplify settings panel
- Export Organisation Chart
- My Account
- Feed for my documents to use MS Graph
- Toggle which items display
- Header: Submenu link colour formatting enhancements
- Events: Call-Out / Hover Over Message
- Sprocket version number updates immediately after install
- Header: title to navigation left alignment
- Header: custom header height was not sticking
- My Account: recent documents icons are not shown
- People Hub: Directory cell alignment
- People Hub: Org Browser icon and Location Finder Icon to be the same colour
- Knowledge Hub: Unable to delete a Read List
- Knowledge Hub: Read List Web Part not showing News Posts
- Alert Bar: dismissible alerts that are changed to non-dismissible do not reappear for those who have dismissed.
- Alert Bar: button is disabled even if list already exists
- Image Gallery: Infinite loading if selected list contains non-image file
4.17.4 (18th May 2023)
Fixes- Read List report not showing all group members (does not exceed 200)
- App Launcher: Reorder bug with mandatory apps
- App Launcher: Styling issues
- App Launcher: New mandatory app not showing once reordered
- My Read List - due date column formatting
- Events: Previous & Next button styling
- General web part colour consistency
- Settings does not load if no global settings json for root site exits
- Daily Briefing: buttons do not always behave as expected
4.17.3 (11th April 2023)
We're thrilled to share with you the release notes for our latest update, version 4.17.0. In response to your valuable feedback, we have implemented numerous enhancements and bug fixes to improve your experience with our platform. Our primary focus in this update has been on enhancing security, refining the App Launcher, and making improvements to the People Hub, along with other general changes and bug fixes.
Enhancements- Significant security hardening of the Sprocket API & Telemetry for improved protection against cyber threats.
- App Launcher updates:
- Ability to apply filters on the source list for easier navigation.
- Users can now reorder their apps according to personal preferences.
- Change storage location of personalized application data to OneDrive for added security and convenience.
- Updated the coin icon to a square to align with SharePoint style.
- My Read Checklist now has a "hide if empty" option for a cleaner interface.
- News Hub: Filter queries are now included in the URL for easier sharing.
- Calendar: Added options to hide "Filter by Category" and "Filter by Calendar" filters for a less cluttered view.
- Sprocket Header: Default "Open in SharePoint" button now available in Viva Connections Desktop.
- People Hub enhancements:
- SharePoint List as a data source.
- Administrative Role reporting lines.
- Hyperlink to Card in Org Browser.
- Support for more than 5000 users with lazy loading.
- Updated text colors for better accessibility.
- Displays message of orphaned users.
- Sprocket Header: Added ability to specify hover-over text color.
- Sprocket Settings: Image selector background for transparent images.
- General updates to ensure consistent font styles, colors, web part title border styles, and "See All" button positions in line with OOB standards.
- Sprocket Calendar: Dropdown box now displays "Calendar Title" instead of "Calendar Name."
- Knowledge Hub: Header image distortion in the tree view resolved.
- Sprocket Header: Logo can now be changed even if the image is corrupt.
- Sprocket Header: 'Open in New Tab' now functions as expected.
- Sprocket Calendar: Add event button now visible to users with contribute permissions to calendars.
- Daily News Feed: Fixed multiple tag color block merging.
- Sprocket Header: Expand button now properly hides the banner.
- Location Finder: Resolved search and keyword filtering issues.
- People Hub: Fixed blank Org Chart Tab.
- Whats Up: Improved Anniversaries display format.
- Sprocket Header: Resolved issue with editing hub nav when the global nav is selected.
- Daily News Feed web part now shows all added sites.
- Documents: Fixed inconsistent keyword search results.
- News Hub: Adjusted right padding/space for better alignment.
- Whats Up: Consecutive birthdays/anniversaries now display correctly, regardless of "Maximum number of items" values.
4.16.0 (10th March 2023)
Enhancements- Sprocket Header - Show MS Teams icon when there is a team associated with a team site
- Hide Archived Teams in My Teams web part
- People Hub: Add Microsoft Teams action
- Read Lists: include inactive users in reports
- Google Analytics: Tracking ID changes due to support GA4
- People Hub: Maximum Manager Display Depth not working
- Sprocket Header: Support for "Global Navigation" as a navigation data source
- App Launcher: Alignment of icons and the ability to use web part in any section.
- Sprocket News Hub - title/author overlap and spilling out of the container
- Daily Briefing: Author field to come from editable author field
- Header Navigation: Active Parent
- Sprocket Settings: Required field when not visible
- People Hub: performance when graph call paging through more than 1000 users
- People Hub: Cache setting disappeared in settings panel
- Unable to use custom override code in People Hub to hide fields in Org Browser/Org Chart
- Anniversary web part calculation
- Read List report not showing all members (Maximum results in 100)
- Sprocket News web part does not honour display order in line with the SharePoint default News web part
- News Hub: fix image skewing/stretching
- Sprocket Events - sometimes the link to event doesn't open.
4.15.0 (13th December 2022)
Enhancements- New Sprocket 'Embed' web part
- Sprocket - Documents web part opening up display form instead of file
- Sprocket - Documents doesn't honour the library default open behaviour settings
- Events from the Sprocket Calendar go to an error screen
- Sprocket Navigation menu not scrolling on SharePoint phone app
4.14.0 (31st October 2022)
People Hub: Add error screen for infinite management loop
People Hub: Update Configuration Experience
Knowledge Hub: Option to include News posts in Read Lists
People Hub: Continuous scroll not triggering when many results
Sprocket Calendar: not displaying any events
People Hub: clearing of custom overrides
Knowledge Hub: Download PDF button sometimes errors
Whats Up: Events from Events List not coming through
Hamburger navigation on mobile is blank when Sprocket header is enabled and navigation source is Term Store
Events: "+ Add Event" button not showing on homepage
Reading Lists: Starting Date is not mandatory.
People Hub: CSV export only contains 1 row of data when "SharePoint" data source is set
Whats Up: Do not show ‘0 year anniversary’
Issue with Manage Subscription Link
App Launcher: Better browser support for Firefox/Safari
App Launcher bug in Viva Connections - Can't add or remove apps
App Launcher not working on Teams mobile app
Sprocket mega menu term store links not working in 'Mega Menu'
Sprocket Header - Navigation Source Randomly Defaulting to Site instead of Hub
People Hub: Scrolling vHeight issues
Order birthdays by distance from birthday, not alphabetically
SVG files dont seem to work in Sprocket Header Logo
Sprocket App Launcher bug in Viva Connections Desktop
My Teams: App Page errors
App Launcher - Limited Access granted to "Everyone Except External Users" group when webpart added
4.13.1 (22nd August 2022)
Enhancements- Calendar web part with swimlanes
- Ability to add a new event from events webparts
- Ability to add a new news article from news webparts
- Some users experiencing an error where Sprocket web parts were incorrectly stating that their Sprocket license had expired.
- updating settings and fix the validation message if the license isn't required
- Timezone clocks - bug fixes
- Home Page News - bug fixes
- Calendar Web Part Bug Fixes
- Events Web Part - bug fixes
- People hub: app page creation is broken.
- People Hub: Exclude custom columns from directoryColumns filter
4.13.0 (22nd July 2022)
Enhancements- Sprocket Header: Mega Menu
- Events web part
- Calendar web part
- News hub
- Home page news web part
- Time Zone Clocks Web part
- Sprocket Header to minimise on scroll
- Don't count external users as Sprocket seat
- Mandatory Reads Notification - don't send if none
- Reading List Button Visibility: Changed to Full Access instead of Site Collection Admin
- Rich Text Editor: Blur issue
- Reading List Weekly Reminders: date not always calculating correctly
- Whats Up: 'ensure' Sprocket Settings list exists for cache
- People Hub: Exclude custom columns from directoryColumns filter
- Sprocket Docs - height always defaulting to 400px
- Sprocket licences being consumed by all active users across the tenant
- Download PDF button in knowledge Hub - document won't download if '&' in file name
4.12.1 (20th May 2022)
Enhancements- Whats Up: Optimize & reduce graph requests to prevent throttling in Sprocket
- People Hub: Don't show tabs if only one tab to display
- App Launcher: remove empty customization storage
- Documents: scroll bar bug, allow height definition
- What's Up: setting field typo
4.12.0 (16th May 2022)
Enhancements- People Hub: columns to be configurable in web part settings with simple dropdown
- People Hub: Ability to select which columns to display in People Hub directory
- People Hub: Freeze headings on People Hub Directory when scrolling down page
- People Hub: Add option to hide "Export CSV" button
- People Hub: Sort field request to determine order in org chart
- People Hub: Allow the people hub to display 'Directory', 'Org Browser', and 'Org Chart'
- People Hub: Export People Hub for easy import into Visio
- People Hub: Add 'advanced graph query' toggle
- Rich Text: Allow Sprocket rich text as a full width web part
- Alerts: Alert types conditional formatting on dropdown options
- What's Up: Add the ability to filter the by empty manager field
- What's Up: Custom attribute support
- Documents: Vertical Scroll Bar and expandable/collapsed toggle
- People Hub: photos often not appearing in PeopleHub, support delve
- People Hub: re-render pass that loses filters, custom props
- People Hub: malformed CSV export when fields contain commas
- People Hub: Traditional chart not loading when CEO references itself
- Knowledge Hub: Tree navigation sometimes disappears
- Knowledge Hub: prevent POST update to tree when KH disabled
- Knowledge Hub: stop saving changes to the tree; unless the users clicks save
4.11.2 (28th April 2022)
Fixes- App Launcher - unable to select root site as source
4.11.1 (25th March 2022)
Enhancements- My Read Checklist web part: only show unread items setting
- filter apostrophe from personalized settings store objects
- Location Finder: link to People Hub stopped working in some scenarios
4.11.0 (12th March 2023)
App Approval Required. After upgrading your Reading Lists will not function correctly until your tenant has approved a new API. This will require a tenant admin to approve this request. More information
This update introduces major improvements to Knowledge Hub Reading Lists:
- Simplified Reading Lists interface & structure. Reading lists and assignments fields has been consolidated into one layer of reading lists
- Reading List Admin console has moved from Sprocket icon to admin bar
- Ability to assign Reading List admins - you no longer need to be site collection administrator (SCA). SCAs still have access to all read lists. Admins of a read list can only see the read lists of which they are an for.
- A read list can now have a due date. The due date will be displayed in the users reading list pane & web part
- A read list can now be set as 'in-active'
- Fresh Reads: now even if a user has read a page you can now force users to read the pages again.
- Email reminders: your audience can receive an email of any reads the user has outstanding. The schedule & frequency of this reminder is defined by admins.
- Admin Summary Emails: reading list admins can receive an email summarising users who are incomplete. The schedule & frequency of this email is defined by admins.
- Report enhancements: exports now include more relevant information about page titles and users full names.
- Reading list pane and 'my read list' web part now group reads by read & unread to make it easier to see whats outstanding.
- Overall performance enhancements to Knowledge Hub.
- Customise "Mark As Read" button and dialog box copy.
Other enhancements:
- Whats Web Part: Anniversary icon adjusted to be more relevant
- Whats Web Part: Anniversary now specified tenure length.
4.10.4 (13th February 2022)
Fixes- Whats Up Web Part - adjust query to support MS change of date formatting
- List Web Part - Reference columns when using a lookup were sometimes empty
4.10.3 (13th December 2021)
Enhancements- Whats Up - Calendar end date item limit removed
- Do not error when SitePage doesn't have a 'DisablePrint' column
4.10.2 (14th November 2021)
Enhancements- Knowledge Hub - New Column in Site Pages to Disable Printing
- Whats Up web part bugs fixed
- 'Mark as Read' button hidden on smaller resolutions fixed
- Location Finder - Suburb Geo Location with no match fixed
4.10.0 (23rd July 2021)
Enhancements- People Hub - Traditional Organisation Chart
- Work Anniversaries added to WhatsUp Web Part
- Hub Navigation now shows above site navigation when using custom header.
- Accordion Web Part - Allow copy to Clipboard & Email
- Option to hide 'Hub Site Title' in Sprocket header of root site
- Knowledge Hub - Training Bubble Tip Alignment
- Org Chart Turned Off: tool tip still showing on user hover
- Download PDF button doesn't work with '&' in the PDF title
- Image Gallery: Images not always loading correctly
- Background Colours for Sprocket Documents and Lists web parts
4.9.0 (14th May 2021)
Enhancements- Sprocket Update Notifier
- Knowledge Hub: Table of contents to be fixed on the page
- Knowledge Hub: App Bar Changes
- Sprocket List Item Properties - not pulling through value when a space on the end of the column internal name
- People Hub: default org chart to be ON by default
- Knowledge Hub: Remove distribution lists as option in audience of Reading List
- My Reading List Web Part: not showing all reads when more than 100 pages in library
4.8.4 (15th April 2021)
Enhancements- People Hub: Ability to hide org chart tab and functionality via settings
4.8.3 (30 March 2021)
Enhancements- Filter sort order in People Hub is now alphabetical
- Sprocket Buttons - New Property for [CurrentSiteUrl]
- Org chart in People Hub not showing top of org chart as expected
- Audience targeting not working in navigation when Sprocket header enabled
- Sprocket Admin Button behind Global Navigation
4.8.2 (15th March 2021)
Enhancements- People Hub : Ability to be able to add description text in People Hub org chart card.
- A user with 'Contribute' permission unable to modify Knowledge Hub tree structure
- Sprocket Documents web part start/end date defaulting to today's date when blank
- People Hub - Org Chart crashing when a user has a manager that references itself causing infinite loop.
- Sprocket Custom List View web part - person showing as a number
- Rich Text editor heading anchor tags not always jumping to the section of the page
- People Hub using Graph API - Delve profile link is empty
4.8.1 (17th February 2021)
Enhancements- People Hub can now use Microsoft Graph as its datasource rather than SharePoint search. This means the results are faster to load, changes made to user profiles are reflected within minutes (not days waiting for search indexer), but most importantly disabled users are filtered out automatically. Existing People Hub web parts that are already configured will not automatically change to use MS Graph - you will need to modify your web part settings if you wish to. Newly added People Hub web parts will use MS Graph by default.
- Knowlege Hub tree incorrectly shown on an iPhone.
- Knowledge Hub menu sometimes not displayed when moving from a document library to a page.
- People Hub presence sometimes not displayed if too many users returned
- People Hub sometimes wouldnt load if a user had an apostrophe in their account name
4.7.4 (6th December 2020)
Fixes- Custom Header not always displayed for users with read only permissions
- Click a Checklist item within the Checklist web part may not display the checkbox on page
- Documents & List web parts group by bug - issue with columns with an underscore
4.7.3 (10th November 2020)
Enhancements- Export 'Reading Lists' compliance to excel
- People Hub fix apostrophe in account name
- Category label on Location Finder web part
- Move 'View Location Details' link in Location Finder web part
- Sprocket Settings Permissions Issue
- Table of Contents Web Part not working
- White Backgrounds
- Location Finder list not provisioning
4.7.0 (21st September 2020)
Enhancements- New Web Part! Alert Web Part
- Send group email to filtered people hub list
- Default Sprocket Settings to Inherit = true by default
- Readings Lists: Export to CSV
- Unable to read full detail of column in Sprocket List or Documents web part
- Knowledge Hub: Word Count showing was incorrectly showing zero
- People Hub: account names with apostrophe causing errors
- Custom Header: not loading when navigating away from certain pages
4.6.0 (11th September 2020)
Enhancements- New Web Part! Location Finder) that displays all your office locations on a Google Map
- Ability to hide/show Title in Sprocket Documents and List web parts
- People Hub: Accept search filter query strings
- People Hub: Office column clickable to link to Location Finder
- People Hub: Display Presence
- Settings - Inherit CSS, JS & Analytics by default in associated sites within hub
- List Item Properties Web Part: Multi choice delimiter changed from ":" to ", "
New Graph API permission approval required in order to display user presence within People Hub
- SharePoint Classic Site Collection: Sprocket Settings Showing
- Recycle Bin page broken when using Custom Header
- Document web part not displaying multi choice/lookup columns
- My Read Checklist Web part: doesn't honour item limit
- Steps Web part: Chevron - colour not primary
- Web part header styles now match new SharePoint fluent update
4.5.3 (31st August 2020)
Fixes- Knowledge Hub Tree - Target class changed to mainContent & adjusted injection approach to use a more reliable method as is MS frequently changing element names.
4.5.2 (15th August 2020)
Fixes- Whats On web part to bring through calendars from other sites
- Minor fixes noticed after Fluent upgrade.
4.5.1 (12th August 2020)
Enhancements- New Feature! Custom Header to completely change and control the display of SharePoint's header. Logo, Navigation, Colours, Background Images, CSS, Javascript, Google Analytics.
- New Feature!: Alerts bar - bring attention to really important information. Schedule & Unschedule with dates.
- Image Carousel - control duration between each image transition
- Upgrade to SPFx 1.11.0
- Upgrade of core packages including Fabric/Fluent
- Sprocket Documents and Lists web parts not showing taxonomy options
- People Hub Tab Styles were a little off after Microsoft updates
- Rich Editor - maximum search property size of 2mb better handled.
- Sprocket Settings Button Hidden on error and change of default target class
4.4.3 (22nd July 2020)
Enhancements- Whats Up - allow multiple filters
4.4.2 (15th July 2020)
Fixes- Issue adding SharePoint internal Urls to App Launcher
- Rich Editor Min Height & Table Widths 100%
- Update People Hub to have 4 columns on 1440px resolution
4.4.1 (6th July 2020)
Fixes- Rich Text Editor: Content not indexed by SharePoint search crawler
- Image Gallery & Image Carousel doesn't show all document libraries in site
4.4.0 (2nd July 2020)
Enhancements- New Web Part!: Reusable Content. More Information
Issue adding SharePoint internal Urls to App Launcher
My Teams: API Throttling issue & performance
issue copying link from Knowledge hub page
4.3.2 (23rd June 2020)
Fixes- When in the Knowledge Base all links make stop working until you refresh the page.
4.3.1 (1st June 2020)
Fixes- Internet Explorer 11 fixes
- Heading 2 bigger than heading 1
- AppLauncher - now uses an image library to make uploading icons easier
- Sprocket document web part fixes
- New Feature!: Reading Lists
- New Web Part!:My Reading List web part
- New Feature!: Sprocket settings button on all pages for easy configuration
- Knowledge Hub tree performance enhancements
- Rich Editor Enhancements
- Whats on web part enhancements
- Reduced installation package files to two
- Licensing implemented
- Portal to manage subscription
Sprocket is now packaged into two files which are both required to be deployed to the app catalog - sprocket-365 & sprocket-libraries. The libraries houses all the shared code. Sharing the code like this provides significant performance enhancements by removing the need to download and process duplicated code. Knowledge Hub is now enabled via the new Sprocket settings panel.
4.2.6 (18th May 2020)
Fixes- Enter key doesn't work in existing Rich Text Editor Web part
- Rich Text Editor - Hyperlinks applied to headings being lost
4.2.5 (7th May 2020)
Fixes- Sprocket document web part issues - icons not always displaying
- Whats on web part enhancements - calendar icons don't match theme & command bar switch added
- Headings in Sprocket Rich Text Editor doesn't create working anchor tags
4.2.4 (1st May 2020)
Fixes- Knowledge Hub not loading again for read only users
- Knowledge Hub working within IE
- Upgraded SPFx framework to 1.10.0
- Whats Up - birthdays web part not allowing office filters
4.2.3 (29th April 2020)
Fixes- Left Tree not loading in IE11
- Left Tree not loading if user only has read access to site
4.2.2 (23rd April 2020)
Fixes- When using the Sprocket - List or Sprocket - Documents web parts, querying the Site Pages library wont link to the page, it will link to the display form.
4.2.1 (16th April 2020)
Fixes- When deleting a page in the Knowledge Hub the deleted page doesn't go to recycle bin.
- Sprocket buttons don't always open in a new tab even the settings specifies so.
4.2.0 (31st March 2020)
This release was a stability to release.
Steps Web Part (Previously Project Milestones) Updates have been made to the 'Steps' web part which was previously known as the project milestones web part. The name was changed to broaden the potential use of this web part from just projects to be anything that has a sequence of steps.
Key enhancements:
- The steps web part can can now be displayed horizontally as well as vertically.
- Each step is now clickable to a link defined.
- You can use a task list as the data source rather than editing the page with manual entries.
- Styles now reflect your sites theme
Performance Enhancements & Packaging Sprocket now has three package files which are required to be deployed to the app catalog - sprocket-web parts, sprocket-knowledgehub & sprocket-libraries. The libraries web part is the new addition as it houses all the shared code of both the web parts and the knowledge hub. Sharing the code like this enables significant performance enhancements by removing the need to download and process duplicated code.
FixesAfter our first release of version 4 we identified bugs which have been resolved in this release. Most of these bugs were relating to Internet Explorer 11 users.
4.0.0 (12th April 2020)
Version 4 is the first major release of Sprocket to supercharge your intranet. Previous versions of Sprocket were targeted towards SharePoint Classic and operating in a hybrid mode when SharePoint Modern experiences were displayed. Version 4 is entirely targeted to SharePoint Modern and Office 365.